Many people dream of being a teacher and eventually, they will be able to see that dream come true. It takes a special person to want to shape the minds of youngsters, but Brenda Capone Kingston is somebody who understands that desir

Brenda is a teacher and she loves her job. She also has a following on TikTok, where over 40,000 people follow her video channel.

Last week, Brenda shared a video on TikTok but she eventually deleted it. She was concerned because some children have been sent to kindergarten and they are wearing diapers.

She said: “Diapers in kindergarten – this has been something that’s been a conversation with fellow teachers for the past several weeks now. The amount of kids in diapers in kindergarten- I had no idea. The more I talk to some kindergarten friends, and they tell me how many they have.”

She went on to say that she wasn’t talking about children with special needs, she was talking about all children and many of them were wearing diapers.

She said: “I remember when my kids went to school…your child had to be potty-trained before you could send them to kindergarten,” adding that her daughter would be 24 in November and that her son would be 22 next month.